TUT and Partners Launch AI Industry Association. A new industry body, the South African Artificial Intelligence Association (SAAIA), was recently launched by the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) and AI Media, along with other founding partners, to promote responsible artificial intelligence (AI) in South Africa.
She said that the launch of SAAIA follows the launch of the TUT Hub of the Artificial Intelligence Institute of South Africa, in collaboration with the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies and the University of Johannesburg in her welcome address at the event.
TUT and Partners Launch AI Industry Association
“ Through the application of Artificial Intelligence to solve multiple societal challenges, this historic project aims to improve the economic and social well-being of the South African population.
“Through this training, the next generation of the workforce in this country will have the skills needed to make a significant impact in the Artificial Intelligence sector,” he added.
Anish Kurien, Acting Director of the TUT Artificial Intelligence Hub, stated that the South African Artificial Intelligence Association (SAAIA) aims to promote responsible AI adoption for South Africa’s economic and societal benefit, focusing on economic growth, regulation, trade, investment, fairness, equality and inclusion.
“AI Media CEO and SAAIA founder Dr Nick Bradshaw believes AI and related automation technologies are having an impact on more than 120 traditional industries globally at a pace never seen before.
The SAAIA’s vision has been developed by analyzing the global and local landscapes, identifying needs, and conducting research to fill in the gaps, which has revealed South Africa’s challenges and opportunities with AI and smart technologies.
“We believe in an AI vision that is human-centric, responsible, and grounded in evidence,” he said.
Ultimately, SAAIA aims to engage both individuals and organizations, novices and experts, and those connected and unconnected, while bringing together practitioners from various commercial, government, academic, start-up and non-profit organisations. Ten key objectives form the foundation of the association’s vision.
In addition to serving as the industry’s voice, we provide analysis and research to inform strategy and decision-making, advocate for inclusion, ethics, regulation, and standards, assist the national, provincial, and city governments with policymaking, and provide educational resources and best practices.
There are a variety of organizations represented on the founding advisory board, including TUT, DCDT, UJ, Michalsons, GIZ; ExploreAI; Cirrus AI; TinyML Foundation; Augmented Startups; Data Economy Policy Hub; Socially Acceptable; mLab; Zindi; Technology Innovation Agency; ecosystem. Ai; Western Cape Government; and Webber Wentzel.
For more information on the Tshwane University of Technology, please contact Phaphama Tshisikhawe, Corporate Affairs and Marketing.
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